Project Homekey

Project Homekey is an opportunity for the city to get a grant from the state in order to purchase a motel in the city and convert it into permanent affordable housing for more than 150 people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

See the latest Project Homekey news from the city on their Project Homekey page.

round 3

In May 2023, the Fremont City Council unanimously approved a plan to apply for Project Homekey funding again, this time applying for a $35 million grant. Fremont for Everyone mobilized public comments in favor.

Round 2

In January 2022, the Fremont City Council unanimously approved a plan to apply for a $40 million state grant to convert a hotel into permanent affordable housing for more than 150 people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Fremont for Everyone mobilized in support of the plan.

The statewide Project Homekey grant awards are competetive, and unfortunately, Fremont was not awarded a grant in Round 2.